  • Helping Children

    We are a therapy organisation providing services to children between the ages of 0-18 years with a variety of developmental delays
    sensory processing disorders and motor difficulties.

  • Services

    We offer a comprehensive service to our families

    This includes occupational therapy, speech and language therapy and psychology, among other skills and services.

  • Our unique approach

    We work in a unique, integrated manner that is uniquely tailored to the specific concerns of each child, using family-directed goals to guide our treatments. All of our therapists are vastly experienced and have undertaken a variety of post-graduate training to enhance their skills,



Your family is the centre of our service because a child’s family is the centre of his life. ATLAS Training families decide how a service will be structured and set the goals for treatment.


comprehensive Approach

A child is a whole person, not a sum of different parts. Thus, we focus on the whole child, including his emotional and behavioural wellbeing, his intellectual processing, communication, social skills, motor skills and academic success.


individualised service

Celebrating the uniqueness of each child, our service is designed to meet the needs of each individual child. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, but our service, from beginning to end, is designed with your child in mind..



With the abundance of new “wonder” treatments, it is essential to us that our service offers treatment approaches that are mainstream and researched, published in independent, international journals and reviewed by experts in the field..

Our Heroes
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Ronat, 17

A motivated young lady

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Seadna, 6

A bright young boy

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Enya, 10

Loving and determined

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Fionn, 19

A mature young man